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Hi, my name is Brian Bosshard, and I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and the owner of 2B Life and Career Coaching, LLC. I have a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA), as well as I am a Project Management Professional (PMP Certified) so I am a master at time management and work-life balance. I am also a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Over the past 10+ years, I have helped women and men in many areas of their lives, but I specialize in Life and Career Coaching / Consulting. I build a trusted partnership with my clients that fosters personal growth, breaking through Blocks and Limiting Beliefs, and achieving their life and career goals. 


I am so passionate about helping people navigate their lives and careers, that I decided to start my own life and career coaching company, so I can truly help people to live better, happier, more balanced and fulfilled lives and careers.

My Purpose in Life...

I believe that my purpose in life is to take my coaching expertise, education, life and work experiences, and apply them to helping women and men to become a better version of themselves, and to become the person that they have always envisioned themselves as being. I truly love helping people and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to partner with someone and help them grow into whom they truly want to be.

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I have a strong educational background that makes me uniquely qualified to be a great Life  and Career Coach! I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business, as well as a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA). I am also a Project Management Professional (PMP). I have worked for several Fortune 50 companies over the past 20 years and am very well-versed in the business and work environment, along with the stress, and demands, and the need to balance both your home and work life. As a result of my educational background, I have many years of experience with life and career management, and have successfully applied these skills to helping others.  Over the years, I have helped people who are struggling with challenges in their lives, such as achieving their goals, living a happy and healthy & active lifetsyle, making a big decision, finding their ideal careers, and building a greater work-life balance by utilizing time management techniques, and getting more organized. I have also worked with local universities and mentored college graduates with helping them figure out their ideal career, and then helping them to achieve it.

I have many passions, including living a very healthy and active lifestyle. I am a life-time student of health and exercise and have read many books, practiced many techniques, and worked with many people in helping them to achieve their desire to live a more active and healthier lifestyle. I eat a very healthy diet, as well as workout with weights and am always doing active things with my family. I also enjoy traveling, camping and hiking, along other active outdoor activities. As a result, I was able to lose a total of 30 pounds by eating healthier and exercising regularly, and just as importantly, I have been able to keep the weight off! This healthy lifestyle also helps me to relieve stress, reduce my heart-rate, gain strength and endurance, and add years to my life – all while enjoying my lifestyle and feeling great in the process! I would like to help you realize these benefits too. In addition, I work with many people who are experiencing difficulties in life and want to be happier.  I believe that mental health plays a vital role in living a happy, balanced and fulfilled life.

I am a master at work-life balance, time management, organization, and multi-tasking. I have a big family, consisting of my wife and four kids (ages 7, 9, 10 and 13), and my wife and I both work. I have lived in the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV), California, for the past 20 years and am very involved with our local community. I have volunteered for various community and non-profit organizations, and have been very actively involved in my neighborhood. When I am not working or giving back to our community, I still manage to spend quality time with my family, eat well, and take care of myself, both physically and mentally. I have successfully mastered the art of work-life balance, as well as time management, and I can help you too.

 I would like to share my learnings with you in terms of what works and what doesn’t, as well as how to be more productive and efficient with the limited time we have in our very busy lives. 

Similar to all of us, I have been through a lot of ups and downs in my life. Although I have been very successful throughout my career, I have also had my fair share of challenges, including relocating several times, experiencing major career changes, going through divorce, and being laid-off. I also suffered several significant losses over the past few years, including my Mom passing away a couple of years ago. Although I have been through some very tough times, I wouldn’t change any of it, as all of that has helped to shape me into the person that I have now become. That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. So when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, which is what I have chosen to do. Instead of focusing on the challenges of my past, I make the conscience choice to focus on all of the lessons that I have learned over the years, and successfully apply those life-lessons to drastically improving my own life, as well as helping others to do the same. This is ultimately what has led me to pursue Life  and Career Coaching – the pure joy and satisfaction from being able to help others to explore, discover, and achieve their life and career aspirations, and love their life, and not just go through the motions...

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We Can Help You,

just as we have helped many others in the past! We will support you and believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself. Our coaching programs focus on the following two areas:

Life Coaching


  • Master Time Management / Work-Life Balance

  • Get More Organized

  • Set and Achieve Your Goals

  • Manage Your Budget and Finances

  • Live a Healthy / Active Lifestyle

  • Develop Positive Habits

  • Make Big Life Decisions

Career Coaching / Consulting


  • Discover Your Ideal Career

  • Write/ Update Your Resume

  • Build Your Job Board Online Profiles

  • Execute Targeted Job Searches

  • Get and Prepare for Interviews

  • Get Your Next Job / Promotion

  • Start a New Business, or Second Job


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Please visit our About Page to learn more our  areas of specialization. If you would like more information, or are ready to partner with us, then please click on our Contact Page, and email us to get started.


We want to help you fulfill your life and career goals, just like we have helped others in the past. If you would like to learn more about our philosophy, please visit our Philosophy Page.

can help you
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